Monday, February 28, 2011

Feeling freer after getting my project out of the way.


You could almost hear the sound of a duvet cover of snow landing on the city. Fwump. Most of us took the opportunity to stay cozy indoors. When we finally did get out, it was already melting, but Echo still managed to maximize her happiness in the white stuff.
This snowmaid, put on her best - perhaps in anticipation of tonight's Oscars?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Eat with you at the Bay

A lazy Saturday with time spent with the Globe and Mail, and a good book. Swam with some youngsters and then headed out to the art gallery to see the Ken Lum exhibit - kind of a variation on Andy Warhol. Lovely to see Vancouver celebrated in the eyes of the street artist.

Also a visit to the old Bay cafeteria hoping to get a feel for its glory days - but they've been hidden away behind 80s renos - bring on the swanky new diner.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday cold snap doesn't deter runner and her dog

The birdies were cold today. I hope they find a little warm place to huddle.

A sight I marvel at on my running route are the roots of this tree. The earth below is getting washed away more every day. One day it will fall down with a resounding crack and I hope I'm not anywhere near it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Deadline minus 1

Bad picture of newspapers piling up
Spent the day at home, working on my project which has become an ugly hulk. I couldn't resist the goings on outside my window though. The sea gulls performed a little air ballet at sunset. They didn't seem to mind the cold. Not at all.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Home alone

In a blog post I read recently, a writer was talking about her time spent as a freelancer. After several years, she realized that she was lonely. That working at home alone just wasn't for her.

I am beginning to come to that realization. Just like that writer, I watch my email box for signs that someone out there has something to say to me. My dog does her best to keep me company, and though she has many admirable qualities, she just isn't human.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Very superstitious

Here is my reward for a job well done. Well, I haven't actually finished the job.

A few weeks ago I browsed through my favourite antique shop and discovered this lovely slipper pan - even the name sound so much more refined than bed pan. I decided I would return at the end of the month, when my project was finished, and purchase it as a reward. Well, I happened to be in the store with a friend when the store guy offered me a deal on it. I couldn't afford not to buy it.
So here it sits in all it's porcelain glory: my reward. But my work is not done! I hope the writing fairies don't jinx me.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Math on a chain link fence

Love is greater than money

Today's highlights: received a whole bunch of asparagus corms from a gentleman who's been growing them in his back yard for 60 years - 60 years!

Made zabaglione today for the first time. Frothy custardy love. Next time I'll put in half the amount of Marsala and only half a vanilla bean.

Veda Hille has a song, "Luckylucky," I think it's called. That's how I feel today.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thou shalt not pout

Still struggling with my project - it's like chewing an old boot. But just moments ago, I had a small epiphany. It may be a beautiful day out, I may wish that I was riding my bike or digging in the dirt, but I'm doing a job that makes me learn - whether I want to or not - and learning is never a bad thing.

So I have a new attitude - that and some Tiger Spice tea.

Friday, February 18, 2011

A room with a view - or two

Why, with just a little bit of wood and a very large tree, anyone can build their dream home.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Soul food

Penne, spaghetti, ravioli, gnocchi, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, cheese, prosciutto, mortadella, Portuguese buns, chestnuts, canned white asparagus - this is the home of my comfort food. I could live here - look for me in the pasta aisle.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A run in the rainforest

A short and sweet run in the trails today. Yes, the leaves on the trees are starting to come back - just tender green buds at the moment. Everything was mossy and green.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The ups and downs of Valentine's Day

The day started out with a lovely surprise - my very own copper bowl! Oh the egg whites I will whip. That accompanied by some red, red roses.
Valentines day was looking good and it got even better when someone thanked me for a job well done - yep things were looking good.
But then the day got a little rocky. Luckily salsa class helped me dance my blues away.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I imagine from this squirrel's point of view, I look odd. A large lead-footed, earth-bound creature bearing no discernible food stuff.
Saw Barney's Version - still sad about it. But look at the squirrel - he/she doesn't care, not at all.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A room full of editors

Inside all day today - learning from someone so experienced that she was able to distill her information into some very concrete basics. I lapped them up like a hound at the water dish.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Writing on the wall

Did a little loop of Hastings Park today and I see that there's some new art decorating the skate park.
Spent the evening with friends - friends who, I realize, I've known for quite a long time. It's such a comfort just being with them - as comfortable as a Costco cashmere turtleneck.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

While I'm not as attached to my runners as I am to my running companions, human and canine, I have to admit to an odd affection for this pair of Newbalance trainers. The weights - I have little affection for. A variation on the classic dumbell - they're a pain to hold, so I'm even less likely to use them.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


An early morning walk with Echo and my camera seemed to be interested in little dwellings:

Monday, February 7, 2011


I just realized that the word scaffold is not a very nice word - it has hints of scorn, scandal, and scoffing. Perhaps we should feel this way toward our city hall, but I don't really. While I have experienced a run around or two by the bureaucrats housed within it, the building itself is a grand art deco lady. And all we older ladies need some refurbishing now and then.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Comfort in cashmere

...Costco cashmere, that is. Still this cozy sweater, to me, is like a blanket - soft, warm - right up to my chin. I've worn it so much a few holes are appearing under the arms. I better sew them up quick before they let a draft in.

Objects of mass destruction (late entry - oops)

I am torn in my attitude toward these machines. On one hand I want to hop in and drive them around - dig things up, move stuff.
On the other hand, I associate these machines with sad destruction - with plant death, upheaval.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ken's mussels

It's easy to stay at home, and I often rationalize that it's great that I have a house that I enjoy loafing around in - but I do have to get out sometime or risk crazy cabin fever.

So tonight it was mussels at what used to be called Stella's. I continued my love affair with beets and goat cheese.

Then we were off to a movie called Another Year. It's all about an English couple who have a loving relationship and all their crazy broken-up friends - it's quite a contrast. I felt more for the friends and found the couple, while quite warm and caring, kind of smug - especially the woman Geri. In the end I cried for Mary, the messed up aging woman who couldn't help coming on to almost every man. She just needed a lot of love and it broke my heart that she wasn't getting it.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I was up early this morning, on skytrain and downtown just in time for daylight to make an apprearance. The streets were wet and shiny from the rain. People walked around with purpose, all neatly dressed and coiffed. I felt like I was in a foreign city watching all the locals go about their business. It's an odd experience to see your own city as if you don't live there.

This picture was taken at the opposite end of the day. The days are getting longer but sun is still enjoying bankers hours.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Time bandits

The library - that's where I go when I'm desperate to get stuff done - and that's where I went today. But then these guys showed up.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

This dog looks a little green. And that's how I'm feeling after Day 2 of pastry class. We arrived home with 6 cakes after dropping off the 7th at Boy #1's house.

Photos to follow.