Sunday, October 3, 2010

In the garden

As I type this my fingers are scented with lavender. The small mounds I planted last year have grown into a continuous hedge and spilled onto the sidewalk. And while I knew I should have trimmed them back, they were alive with bees all summer, so I have to confess, I was afraid to.

But now most of the bees are gone so I got to work and snipped them back and the result is a mound of dry fragrant stalks. I've been stripping off the dried flowers with the hope of storing them in satchels.

While most of my flowers have faded, still persisting are the cosmos, anemones and the herbs too. The sage I bought because it smelled of pineapple is sending out red spiky flowers and the verbena, a weed really, still smells brightly of lemon.

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