Sunday, April 24, 2011


You'd think on a day when I saw Bill Cunningham New York I'd be able to come up with an inspired picture - not the case.

Time got away from me. First an early morning run in the endowment lands followed by the usual stellar strudel.

Then some serious weed warfare - don't worry, no chemical weapons used - just a shovel.

The afternoon sped by with the usual laundry sorting, writing attempts, emails, and I'm ashamed to admit social media.

But the highlight today - even greater than the greatest strudel on earth - was a movie about the most important man on earth, Bill Cunningham. 80 years old and still in love with fashion, cycling around New York snapping photos of stylish women on the street. I think I'm inspired to add a little more individuality in my own style that I try so hard to keep to muted tastefulness. Muted no more! (now and then, perhaps)

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