Saturday, January 15, 2011

Water and fire

It was a tough decision: salsa or swimming?Swimming or salsa? In the end I've decided since I can salsa at other times in the week, Saturdays will go to swimming.

It was great to be in the water again, though at times I felt as though I was dragging a heavy coat through the water. I wonder why?

And here it is almost midnight and I don't have a suitable photo of the day. So I thought I'd take a snap of the fireplace I sat in front of for a while today - at one point, as a jazzy number played on the radio the flames seemed to be leaping in time with the music. Surely just an illusion.

So I thought I'd take a picture of this fire (in the spirit of televised yule logs and all), but I see that perhaps I need a little more know-how to get a good one:

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